Condobolin High School

Stronger, Smarter and Prouder

Telephone02 6895 2333


Condobolin High School has a Career Office that consists of a full time Careers Advisor, Mrs Lindy Moon and a Transition Officer, Mrs Fiona Doyle.


The role of the Careers Advisor is to give students and carers or parents the latest information that will aid in making decisions about future careers and prepare for life beyond school. The Transition Officer assists in job applications, writing resumes and work experience/placement.


Careers guidance is implemented through a variety of strategies.  These comprise of career education taught in Years 9 and 10, individual counselling, classroom lessons, guest speakers, career markets, tertiary awareness seminars, vocational evenings, excursions, destination surveys, newsletters and work placement programs.


Some of the many things the Careers team can help with is information about curriculum choice and entry to university, Australian Tertiary Administration Rank (ATAR), Record of School Achievement (ROSA), Tax File Number (TFN), Unique Student Identifier (USI), School Based Traineeships (SBAT), VET workplacements, TVET-TAFE courses completed at school, applications for apprenticeships and scholarships for university, volunteering and gap year/ exchange options.


Please “like” the Condobolin High Career Page       Facebook page for access to further Career information


Students are encouraged to drop into the Careers Office at anytime.  Parents are encouraged to make an appointment through the school on 68952333 or email