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Condobolin High School

Condobolin High School

Stronger, Smarter and Prouder

Telephone02 6895 2333

Year 10 Assessment Task Information

Year 10 Assessment Calendar 2024

Year 10 Assessment Task Information 2024

Illness Misadventure Form

Lachlan Access Assessment Submission Form 


TERM 2 2024

Year 10 Food Technology Task 1 - Food Service and Catering Research 

Date Due: Food 1 Friday 10th May 2024

Food 2 Thursday 9th May 2024

Year 10 Science Task 1 - Inclass Test

Date Due: 10th May 2024

Year 10 Visual Arts Task 1 - A Bug's Life 

Date Due: Monday 13th May 2024

Year 10 Maths 5.1 / 5.2 Task 1 - Exam

Date Due: Wednesday 15th May 2024

Year 10 Maths 5.1/5.2/5.3 Task 1 - Exam

Date Due: Wednesday 15th May 2024

Year 10 PDHPE Task 2 Practical - Principles of Training

Date Due: 10A - Tuesday 2nd June 2024, Period 2

10B - Wednesday 3rd July 2024, Period 2

Year 10 History Task 2 - In Class Test

Date Due: Wednesday 19th June 2024, Period 1

Year 10 Music Task 1 - Mashup Composition and Performance

Date Due: Friday 21st June 

Year 9 & 10 PASS Task 2 Nutrition adn Physical Activity Topic Test

Date Due: 9/10 PASS 1 - Tuesday 2nd July, Period 3

9/10 PASS 1 - Tuesday 2nd July, Period 5

TERM 1 2024

Year 10 PASS Task 1 - Technology in Sport Research Task

Date Due: PASS Class 1 - Thursday 21st March 2024

PASS Class 2 - Friday 22nd March 2024

Year 10 Agriculture Task 1 - Farm Safety Skills

Date Due: Friday 22nd March 2024

Year 10 PDHPE Task 1 - Diary Entry Coach Carter

Date Due: 10B Wednesday 27th March 2024 - Period 2

10A Thursday 28th March 2024 - Period 1

Year 10 History Task 1 - Research Task

Date Due: 3rd April 2024

Year 10 English Task 1 - Multimodal Task with Reflection

Date Due: 12th April 2024